Inch Sign

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  • #28061
    Cynthia Mahaffey

    Can you please explain when to use the inch sign versus when to use the prime sign.  It appears in the UEB Manual and again in the technical manual that the prime sign is used for inches; however there is an example using the inch sign.  The only difference we can see is that in one example the inch sign is straight and in the others it is angled.  Is that the difference between using the inch sign and the prime sign?  Thanks so much.  Cindy


    Yes, you are correct.  According to the note in 3.15.1 which says

    Note: The foot may be shown in print by an apostrophe and the inch by a nondirectional double quote. This can be followed in braille.

    Most of the time the inch sign and the prime sign are the same.


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