Nemeth Code

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  • #29174
    Marilyn L. Dickey

    P(A give B) Is the letter sign required for both A and B or just B?

    Marilyn L. Dickey

    2nd request re Nemeth code:

    P(A and B) Is the letter sign required for both A and B or just B.

    Thank you



    The English Letter Indicator is required only for the "B" in the example you give.

    Thus, the braille for "P(A give B)" is:


    See Nemeth Code section 28.a, especially the following sentence (emphasis added): "When only one letter or any combination of unspaced letters is in direct contact with only its opening or only its closing grouping sign, the English-letter indicator must be used (see section 26) or must not be used (see section 27) as though the grouping signs were not present."


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