Reply To: partially-emphasized words

Home Forums English Braille American Edition partially-emphasized words Reply To: partially-emphasized words

Chris Clemens

[quote=bnbdowning70]Previously, in the past topics, this was addressed but not answered. In Lesson 15 of the new Manual (Fifth Edition, 2009) it states 15.8b that partially-emphasized words will NOT use contractions. Also on that same page there is a bulleted note that hyphenated-compound words are to be treated as one word. Then on the following page in 15.10 there is a partially-emphasized word "Destruction" where, following the termination sign, two contractions are used. Furthermore, in the Drill 38 the Drills Reproduced in Braille shows sentence 7 with a partially-emphasized word "one-o'clock" with the emphasized portion of the word CONTRACTED!

My intuition tells me that these new rules from BANA have not been corrected in these examples and I am teaching my students that the rule stands. NO CONTRACTIONS at all in partially-emphasized words, hyphenated-compound words included.

What is the ruling from on high?[/quote]

Not sure about the height but as far as the ruling <drumroll> ....

No contractions are to be used! The old rules (pre-2007 Update) allowed the use of contractions and unfortunately, not all of the changes were caught in the new manual. You are correct that NO CONTRACTIONS at all in partially-emphasized words, hyphenated-compound words included. Please teach accordingly and I will make sure that this issue is addressed in an errata.
Thank you for bringing this to attention.
