Reply To: Glossary with both English and Spanish

Home Forums Foreign Language Glossary with both English and Spanish Reply To: Glossary with both English and Spanish

Chris Clemens

I'll be happy to help. First, there's a little confusion here. I'm not sure what posting you are referring to from June 14, 2007. The earlies Foreign Language posting is from August 2007. Are you referring to Formats rule 1.6c by any chance? This is the wrong rule to use in this case. For glossary entries in Spanish, the rules for Foreign Language Braille must be followed, NOT the rules in Formats.

The foreign language braille rules are in the NBA Interim Manual for Foreign Language Braille Transcribing, available only from the NBA National Office.

A translated glossary at the back of a non-foreign language textbook in now a common occurrence and foreign language braille rules are used. Please consult the Spanish section of the Interim Manual to find out how to proceed. Please consider attaching a scan of an actual print page or two or what you are actually working with and I'll send you some steps to follow as well.

Do not use dot 4 accent indicators for this material. It does your student a disservice because a general accent indicator does not tell the student WHICH accent is used. It is intended for use for the occasional foreign word or phrase that may occur in English material.

The foreign language rules provides the braille reader with the actual accents used for that language, just as the print reader sees them. This is of critical importance in reading in a foreign language, not just an occasional foreign word in English material.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.
