Reply To: Grade 1

Home Forums Tactile Graphics Grade 1 Reply To: Grade 1

Chris Clemens

Hi Catherine--
Just to re-emphasize what is cited in the TG Guidelines:
- For kindergarten through grade 3, picture objects should be represented by solid simple tactile shapes (circles, squares or triangles) not the shape indicator. Group the shapes as they are grouped in print with at least 1/4 inch between individual shapes and 3/4 in between groups. A TN is not required to explain that you have used a simple shape for the object (picture) shown in print.
- 11.2.6 When colors of objects are important to the content, simplify the shape of the object and write the color name inside the shape. For K & grade 1 write the entire word, "orange" "blue" "green", etc. for grades 2-3 you can abbreviate the color and include a TN to explain the abbreviation, i.e. yl for yellow, gr for green, etc.

My recommendation for each of the pages you've listed below are as follows:
Page 4, use basic shapes, i.e. circles for the shoes, triangles for the socks, squares for the bats, circles for the balls. No explanation or TN is needed.

Page 15, No explanation is needed, simply replace a circle for the apples, a square for the bananas, and a triangle for the oranges.

Page 22, I would draw 4 circles/ovals for the fish bowls and put 3 solid small circles in #5s fish bowl, no solid small circles in fish bowl #6 and fish bowl #7 and finally for fish bowl #8, I'd put one solid small circle. No TN is needed.

Page 27, It is debatable whether or not the scissors are even needed...much less the color. Some people might look at this and say the color is not important. You could just put the #2 followed by a solid circle and then the #1 followed by another circle with a solid circle before the words "in all". But if the teacher is going to talk about #2 yellow scissors and #1 red might be helpful to the student to have the color. This could be done a variety of ways. You could say, "2 yellow (solid small circles)" then "1 red (solid small circle)" Then put a solid small circle next to the words, "in all" [Note: You would actually put small circles not braille the words "solid small circles".]

Page 28, your suggestion to replace the objects with shapes is fine.

Page 29, yes, I'd do a tactile followed by the number sentence as shown in print.

Good luck!
