Reply To: Exercise Examples: margins and special typeface

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Technically, The Interim Manual is in use for foreign language. However, the new FL Guidelines are in the final editing process and we are anticipating final approval from BANA. In the meantime, although I can't share actual pages from it, I am authorized to make suggestions based on it and that is what I propose now. The following is technically a suggestion, but I PROMISE that you would be correct to follow it.

Essentially, the new FL guidelines follow Braille Formats most of the time. There remain a few, very significant exceptions and these are clearly covered in the new FL guidelines. But exceptions to general Formats are much fewer and more clearly explained. They usually have to do with translation issues and other considerations that occur only in foreign language.

In this case, Braille Formats is followed for exercises. So the example label Esemplo remains in cell 1 as in Formats Sample 10-8 Section 10.8.5 (label stays in cell 1 with the sentences moved to the next line.) Your examples look just like these in Formats.

It is true that Formats does not SHOW an indented sample, but the text clearly states that. Indent the sample sentences to match what they would be in the exercise. The Esemplo label goes where it would to in any case--in cell 1. And this is what the new FL guidelines will direct, In fact, it is now being decided whether to show an example of this in foreign language, or just to refer directly to Formats.

Retain the boldface in the answer to the sample question. This is also what is done in Formats, as shown in the above Sample 10-8, where the font attribute is retained.
