Reply To: Index with no punctuation after entry word

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We’ve come across a variation on the previous question. It’s another index in which entries are not followed by punctuation, capitalization or enclosure symbols. But in this one, a few of the entries end in a number (a year). So in light of your previous explanation, are two spaces required after the main entries (and subentries) to avoid ambiguity regarding where they leave off and page numbers begin? Print appears to have two spaces separating entries from page numbers to convey this distinction.

Please see the entries “bank crash of 1894” and “referenda 1948” in the attachment.

Braille Formats 22.5.1.d mentions the insertion of two spaces in references involving definitions. But since 22.5 is its own category (separate from Indexes, Glossaries, Thesauruses, etc), is it applicable more generally i.e., to all the alphabetic references discussed in Section 22?

Thank you for your assistance.