Reply To: proper way to do outline with different blocked paragraphs

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Kimberly Martin

I ran into these later on. Outline with subs and a page change indicator just before the paragraphs.
So what would be the proper way. Thanks

II. Impact Analysis

A. Executive Order12866
----------------------------------------------------------------------page change
Executive Order12866requires that regulations be drafted to ensure that theyareconsistent with the priorities and principles set forth in Executive Order 12866.TheDepartmenthasdetermined that this rule is consistent with theseprioritiesand principles. Theruleimplements the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.Executive Order12866 encourages agencies, as appropriate, to provide thepublicwith meaningfulparticipationin theregulatoryprocess.Indevelopingthe finalrule,weconsidered input we receivedfrom thepublic,includingstakeholders.

B. RegulatoryFlexibilityAnalysis

TheSecretarycertifies under 5 U.S.C.605(b), theRegulatoryFlexibilityAct (Pub.L.96-354),that this regulation will not haveasignificanteconomic impact on a substantialnumber ofsmall entities.The small entities that would be affected by these proposed regulations are States and