Reply To: Displayed systems of equations with identifying numbers and complex matrices

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Displayed systems of equations with identifying numbers and complex matrices Reply To: Displayed systems of equations with identifying numbers and complex matrices


G'day, Rebecca!

Thank you for the questions.

  1. Labels for displayed mathematical items should be included in the Nemeth "bubble" for the math item(s). In Example 1, I would place the opening Nemeth Code indicator after the end of text. Then I would insert the blank line and then the label, followed by the system of equations (with no blank line between the label and the system of equations).
  2. It does seem that Example 1's and Example 2's equations' terms are aligned in print. In Example 1, the way you've aligned the first parts of each equation and then run over before the equals is what I would do.
  3. I believe your treatment of print's vertical ellipsis in Example 1 is appropriate and will not mislead the student.
  4. Your treatment of the colon is appropriate. "E sub 1", "E sub 2", and "E sub n" seem to be labels for "Equation 1:", "Equation 2:", and "Equation n:".
  5. I wouldn't change a thing about your placement of the Nemeth Code terminator and the period at the end of "E sub n" in Example 1. The Guidance does say that the terminator must be placed on a line by itself.
  6. Your alignment of the system of equations in Example 2 is almost perfect; the "x sub 4" in the first equation needs to be moved four cells to the right.
  7. In Example 3, the first pair of vertical ellipses (in the system of equations) seems just to be print getting fancy and trying to foreshadow the ellipses in the matrices that follow. I would transcribe this pair of vertical ellipses as you transcribed the ellipsis in Example 1 (a series of three dot threes beginning in the cell for displayed material).
  8. Example 3's vertical dotted line does seem to be a great candidate for a tactile graphic. I do not believe it is a mathematical sign at all.
  9. think the diagonal dotted lines (all consisting of more than the three dots of an ellipsis) are also not so much mathematical as gestural and so would be best represented with tactile lines.

Again, thank you for your questions. Please do let me know if you have concerns following on this.
