Reply To: 3-D graphics

Home Forums Tactile Graphics 3-D graphics Reply To: 3-D graphics


Hi Cheryl, thank you for writing in to the NBA Ask an Expert Forum. Although I don't use TactileView Graphic software, the provided images appear to have been traced using quick auto tracing within the TactileView Graphic software.

The image should be traced using a line creation tool rather than tracing tools. If you do opt to trace, you must convert the lines into a proper line weight as shown in Appendix F of Guidelines and Standards. Verify that all lines reflect what is shown in print. For instance, if two lines on opposite ends (right and left) of the graphic run parallel to each other in print, make sure that these are straight and truly parallel in the tactile graphic version. Also, verify that your 90 degree angles are properly done as well.

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Braillekey.
  • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Braillekey.