Reply To: Single quotes and apostrophes and translation software

Home Forums Computer-Assisted Transcription Single quotes and apostrophes and translation software Reply To: Single quotes and apostrophes and translation software


Hi Lindy,

This is a good question! Unfortunately there is not an easy answer.

Your best options will vary depending on what translation software you are using. There are some general tips that can help though, like Disabling Smart Quotes in Word. You can also benefit from using Find and Replace to find single quotes and apostrophes and replacing them with the appropriate Unicode character. Here's a link to the Unicode character for single quote and here's one for an apostrophe. It can be time consuming to search for these examples, so one tip is to search for the symbol followed by a space. That will help remove several examples of apostrophe, since apostrophes are often followed another letter and not a space. Finally, here are some tips specifically for Duxbury.

Hope this helps!
