Whole-measure rests spacing

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    I've got a solo instrument piece with a first volta of 2 whole-measure rests, then a repeat sign.  My question is, should I space the whole rests apart or not? My assumption is yes, because the other things refer to different measures, but I have never actually seen this in braille before.  Should it be:

    volta, whole rest | whole rest, repeat sign; or

    volta, whole rest, whole rest, repeat sign


    Hi Anna,

    I don't see why we shouldn't braille the two rests together as we usually do. The only time I would separate them would be if there was a fermata above the second one or a tempo change with the second measure.

    I think the volta, 2 whole rests, repeat sign would be clear.

    If I'm not understanding the question clearly enough or there is something else in the print that you feel makes it unclear, feel free to send me a picture of the score.




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