Nemeth or Not

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Nemeth or Not

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  • #39710
    Michael Gunner

    Good afternoon,

    The following is in a Nemeth w/UEB transcription.

    "Missing ANY of the above except for unapproved abbreviation or quantifying prn use = automatic 0 points on the Medication documentation section of the SOAP rubric;"

    It is certainly not mathematical but the question is what to do with the equals sign. I really don't think uncontracting the whole thing makes sense. So is the answer to use the Nemeth equals sign or the UEB equals. The new course at P2.2 states

    "Non mathematical narrative is transcribed using the symbols and rules of UEB, and mathematical notation is transcribed using the symbols and rules of the Nemeth Code."

    My inclination in this situation is to consider the = a UEB symbol, however, I am sure there is an argument to use Nemeth.



    Lindy Walton

    This is always a question -- what to do when print substitutes a math symbol for a word in nonmathematical context. Is that the case here? I'm not familiar with the topic. We are not to use the UEB equals sign, even though it is tempting. That is the "argument to use Nemeth" here.

    Question: Does anything in the surrounding text indicate that "= automatic 0 points" (that is a zero) might be the math portion?

    If you determine that nothing here is mathematical except for the symbol used for "equals", then, according to the rules, transcribe only the = symbol between code switch indicators. Your job is to provide a braille transcription of the print, which this will accomplish.

    - Lindy

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