Reply To: Acknowledgements

Home Forums English Braille American Edition Acknowledgements Reply To: Acknowledgements

Chris Clemens


In the Instruction Manual for Braille Transcribing, acknowledgments are not really addressed; however, preliminary pages are to be prepared according to Braille Formats, Principles of Print to Braille Transcription

According to Rule 1, Section 18a in BF:
Acknowledgments. This code section does not refer to an author's personal words of gratitude or appreciation that must be brailled in the same manner as a preface or foreward. When the text contains a list or section consisting of the publisher's acknowledgments of permission received for the use of materials from other sources, this material must be transcribed as provided below. Acknowledgments should not be included when they refer to omitted maps, pictures, photographs, or other illustrative materials even though their accompanying captions are included in the braille edition.
(1) Follow print copy for placement and page numbering of publisher's acknowledgments that appear within the body of the text or those that are shown with page numbers in the table of contents.
(2) When publisher's acknowledgments appear in the front or back matter of the book and are not listed with page numbers in the table of contents, this material must be placed on a new braille page at the end of the last volume of the braille edition.
(3) If a heading is shown in print, follow the provisions given in Rule 4. When acknowledgments must be continued on one or more barille pages, repeat the heading followed by (cont.) at the top of each of these pages. No blank line should be left after the repeated heading.
(4) Follow the print copy when acknowledgments are printed in paragraph form. If shown as a list, begin each item in cell 1 with runovers in cell 3.

Follow the rules set forth in Braille Formats. Do the acknowledgements appear in the table of contents page? If not, they would not be necessary for your trial manuscript.

I hope this helps.