Reply To: Question on copy/paste iinto transcription sofware

Home Forums Computer-Assisted Transcription Question on copy/paste iinto transcription sofware Reply To: Question on copy/paste iinto transcription sofware

Chris Clemens

Thanks for your response. Yes, the material copied in is single spaced. I just now made a file of 2 paragraphs and made sure I saved it as a .rtf file. When I insert this file into Braille2000, there is the Rich Text Options box appearing where I need to select some choices. In this box, when I select "indented paragraphs" it is taking each sentence or a couple partial sentences and indenting it in 3-1 format, instead of just indenting the first sentence of paragraph. When I select blocked paragraphs, it is trying to make each sentence or part of a sentence a separate blocked paragraph, instead of the 2 blocked paragraphs that should be there.
It appears I have to select one of the 3 options in that box: blocked paragraphs, indented paragraphs, or translation typing directives. There is not an option to deselect them all.
The good news is that any words I put in italics now did carry over correctly when inserted from the rtf file. But I still am not getting the paragraphs to copy in correctly and remain as a paragraph.