Reply To: box at top of print page AND top of braille page

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The blank line that precedes must be the line immediately above the text it is preceding. If the item begins at the top of a braille page, there is no place for the blank line. You found exactly the wording that covers this--A top box line can appear on line 1 when no running head is used. Note that when a running head is used, the top box line is on line 3, not line 2. The same iks true for headings, which require a preceding blank line as well.

The only exception is certain instances in which the adding a blank line at line 1 is the only way to show a change in context from the previous braille page. These instances are relatively rare. A new blocked paragraph, for instance, that happens to start at the top of the next braille page would require a blank line at line 1. When the beginning of displayed material or the resumption of regular text after displayed material occurs at the beginning of a new braille page, there also might be a need for a blank line at line 1. That may have changed with the new guidelines, because displayed material is now indented. I haven't looked that one up yet.

The guidelines says speficially that opening box lines and headings can go on line 1. That's what it means.
