Reply To: Question with wording in section 15.8d

Home Forums English Braille American Edition Question with wording in section 15.8d Reply To: Question with wording in section 15.8d


Good question. I agree this is a bit confusing.
There are two separate issues being discussed here.
First of all, in 9876 the first part of the number is emphasized. If the number indicator is not repeated, this could be read as 98gf.
The explanation in 15.8d says that the termination indicator also terminates the effect of the number indicator. Then the last paragraph says there is not really a rule that says so and goes on to say repeating the number sign is the recommendation. When something is recommended in the manual, it has been reviewed and discussed with the authorities in great detail. It's important to follow reccomendations like this.
Then to confuse things a bit more, it appears as if there is an error in the braille example for 9876. The number indicator should be repeated after the termination sign. This correction is being made in the 6th edition.

The last paragraph also discusses the recommendation for when the last part of the number is being emphasized as in 4347.
Let's step aside from the wording in the manual for a moment. Dots 46 can be used as the special emphasis indicator or a decimal point.
The example 4347 brailled without the repeated number indicator could easily be read as 43-.47
Repeating the number indicator after the special emphasis indicator makes it clear that dots 46 is not a decimal.

I tried to include what the braille would look like but I am having difficulty making the braille appear correctly. Sorry.
I hope this explanation helps.