Reply To: Typeform Indicators – Blue font followed by italic font

Home Forums Unified English Braille Literary Typeform Indicators – Blue font followed by italic font Reply To: Typeform Indicators – Blue font followed by italic font


Let me ask you a couple of questions with some comments 🙂 :

  1. Are you doing all of the blue text on the contents page on a line by themselves (Place and Time, Biography, etc)?  If so, then the blue isn't necessary because the margins distinguish them from what follows.  If not, then are you keeping the blue for that text? If yes, then keep it for all blue text (except headings).
  2. On print page 135, the text box pointing at ANALYZING SUPREME COURT CASES says "double cap followed by italics double cap". Does that mean you are combining the ANALYZING ... with the court case name "Plessy vs ..."? Or what are you italicizing there? If you are combining the two items on page 135, you should combine them (rather than making them separate entries) on the toc page.

Lots of emphasis here!  It would make a good workshop example 🙂
