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I would format the title and prelim pages like a textbook. Include special symbols and transcriber's notes as appropriate.

Question 5 looks fine in your transcription.

Question 8 I would do as a list. Put the whole note in music braille, terminate music braille code and give the interval direction after.

,'<"& ;2,P#E UP
,'.Y ;2M#G D[N
,'"( ;2D#D UP

Question 9 - use music code to indicate the chord inversions

;G M9OR ,'#46
;,E ,MAJOR ,'#36

Question 10 - Transcribe the chords as they appear, reading intervals upward. The answers won't be given away.

Question 12 - as above, I'd do these as a list, not as measures across the page.

,'_&+90 ;2;C% DIMINISHED ,'#56


I don't see in the exam where you have to actually braille figured bass. But refer to section 30 in the MBC2015 to revisit how you do the figured bass. (In analysis situations like this, use the vertical format instead of the horizontal format.)