Reply To: Phonics and spelling

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Fred Van Ackeren

Hi Cindi,

Here is one final question to add to the queue. Files brf and doc have been uploaded.

In A #1. Word choices are left in horizontal format because the question refers to rows. If the directions called for underlining parts then I put the word with emphasis in parentheses following the list.
In B #1. Sentences that have underlined words with blank lines at end.

But in A, the sample has the answer above a write on line at the end. I put a note on the TN page to ignore lines after sentences and the word also since the answer is given by underlining, UNLESS the word needs emphasis then it is added in parentheses as in B. In all cases I've used contractions where convenient.

I think this may be the last piece of the puzzle for this book.
I have contacted the client with these questions and responses for their input as to any Agency Decision they may like to make or add.

Again, thanks,

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