1. Braille formats 2.10.7b Any line without a page number ends at least six cell

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook 1. Braille formats 2.10.7b Any line without a page number ends at least six cell

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    <span style="color: #000000; font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: x-large;">1. Braille formats 2.10.7b Any line without a page number ends at least six cells before the right margin. If you have a larger page number like 910-915 which would be a total of nine cells in braille. Would the six cell right margin need to be increased to say eleven or twelve cells for any line without a page number?</span>

    1. A table of contents includes an entry “21ST CENTURY SKILLS” should the capital passage indicator be used following 21 (before the ordinal letters ST)? Can capitals be ignored for the ordinal letters (such as superscript is ignored) and capital word indicators used for CENTURY SKILLS? This heading is used in the text as: 21<sup>st</sup> Century SKILLS should I retain italics for partial emphasis? Braille Formats 5.3.1 States when these items are partially emphasized, however, font attributes must be retained.
    2. If you have the same letter modifier in uppercase and lowercase would you list them both on the special symbols page?

    Example: ácute Ácute

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    Sorry for the delay in responding - I wanted to pool the committee to be sure I was not speaking off the top of my head 🙂

    1.  Six cells is enough to ensure the reader can find the page numbers...you do not need to expand that margin if you have really long page numbers.  I will look into clarifying that in Formats.
    2. I found this question a bit confusing.  If you have 21ST CENTURY SKILLS you would start the passage indicator after 21 - even though it looks really weird - and terminate it after SKILLS.  If 21ST CENTURY is also italicized, you would need to keep that for distinction.  For that, use italic word indicators on each word.
    3. Because the "definition" on the special symbols page says acute accent above the following letter, one entry works for both the lowercase and uppercase letters.


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