2 separate questions, Title page and terminator

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    Hello Again,

    I have two questions from discussions with other transcribers.

    My first question was originally asked May 27, 2018 (#31217) by another transcriber but wasn't answered. The publisher's location on the print title page vs. copyright page. On the print title page, it has NEW YORK. On the print copyright page, it has New York, New York. I've been taught that the title page "trumps" the copyright page. Others are saying that if more information for the publisher's location is found elsewhere, then we should use that.

    My second question concerns the a terminator. Do we insert a terminator in order to use one contraction?

    For example, inserting a terminator in order to use the ou contraction. It seems they just cancel each other out so why not just leave it?

    Thank you,

    Candace Richardson


    We apologize for the lateness in responding.

    Question 1: The page with the most complete information should be used.  In the case mentioned above, New York, New York would be best...however, there is no RULE to support that.

    Question 2: The idea is to present the words in the form that would be most recognizable to a reader whenever possible (UEB 5.9.1).  This specific situation is not addressed in either the UEB codebook or Braille Formats other than in broad terms.  Based on 5.9.1, it would be best to use the appropriate contractions.



    Hi Cindi,

    Thank you for answering my question about the title page and the terminator. The title page answer will finally answer one of our eternal questions, LOL.

    I don't understand your answer to the terminator question because the contraction can't be used without the terminator to stop the grade 1 mode.  4you.com  Why not let the grade 1 mode continue? Putting in the terminator adds a cell and using the ou contraction takes out a cell--cancelling each other out.

    These are two of about 12 questions I have submitted to Jenifer Dunnam of the NFB when I realized that the NFB actually writes the manual and grades the manuscripts.

    Thank you,

    Candace Richardson



    My answer was saying to use the terminator and the contraction - my intent was that the word would be in its regular contracted form for the reader.  However, in the example given in your follow up (4you.com) you CAN'T use the regular contracted form.  In that case, I agree that leaving grade 1 in effect is the best option.


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