3 dot 5s

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook 3 dot 5s

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  • #33692
    Shelley Mack


    Can you give me more guidance or direction on the set of 3 dot 5s used for an empty space showing omission? An example would be:

    He used a         to fix the leaky faucet.

    Outside of Formats 2016 section 10.6.1 and Example 10-13, where is more information on this symbol? Is it actually a UEB symbol? Did we use this in EBAE? I am unable to find it in the appendix of symbols in Formats or the UEB list of symbols.


    Shelley Mack


    It is not a UEB symbol.  It is based on the blank entries in a table discussed in 11.16...with the onset of UEB we are to follow print more closely but just leaving a blank space where there is a blank space in print could lead to the student missing the fact that something is to be filled in.  It is, essentially, a series of guide dots to lead the reader across the blank space (while also making it clear that there is blank space).  A transcriber's note is required (either on the TN page or at the site) letting the reader know that the 3 dots 5s indicate a blank space in print.


    Shelley Mack

    Thanks for the explanation and clarification.


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