Application of BANA Tactile Graphic Decision Process

Home Forums Tactile Graphics Application of BANA Tactile Graphic Decision Process

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    My client is a university, and the end-user of braille is a biochem graduate student.  The client is getting conflicting advise from braille vendors on which graphics can or should be reproduced.  I have not had feedback from the student regarding what is usable and what is not.  I would appreciate it if you could give an opinion as to whether the attached graphic should have been reproduced.  Also, your critique of the attached tactiles (facing pages) would be most valuable for my personal growth.  Thank you for your help.

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    Thank you for writing and sending in your examples to the NBA Ask an Expert Forum. The Tactile Graphics Committee recommends the use of raised lines to represent structures and arrows versus the combination of braille dots and raised lines as these tactile graphics display, with the exception of electron dots as highlighted in Section 4.3 of the Chemistry Code. Also, this graphic lacks a Nemeth Code Terminator. Please see Provisional Guidance for Chemistry Notation using Nemeth in UEB Contexts at Other than the things mentioned above, this reproduction is accurate.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Braillekey.
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