Back cover material; transposed page numbers

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  • #28174
    Jeff Snoozy

    We have transcribers trained by different outside mentors, and would like to get your advice where there is a difference of opinion.


    Question 1:


    For transposed material, such as Selected Answers, in every volume, does the next volume use the continued page number.  Braille Formats 2.3.8d(3), Example 2-13, implies yes, but without specifics.


    1. That is, if Volume 1 was 864-865d, would Volume 2 be 865-866 or e865-866?
    2. If the latter, would the continuation letter be included in the Table of Contents?


    Question 2:


    For material on the inside or outside of back cover, such as areas of California Standards covered, and a brief Table of Contents (Unit and Chapter headings, no page numbers), be included in every volume or Volume 1 only.


    Braille Formats 2011 didn’t specify, and UEB Lessons 19.2b(1) refers to a different type of material.


    Thank you for your help.


    Question 1: Formats does not directly address this.  I can tell you that I do not use continuation number on transposed material from volume to volume.  So if volume 1 is print pages 1-c35 and 840-a840 volume 2 might be d35-b61 and 840-a840.  As you can see, I WOULD use continuation numbers on the "regular" text.   Just not on the transposed material.  This is an agency decision however and should be handled consistently throughout the whole transcription (whichever way you do it).

    Formats does address the idea of continuation letters in the Table of Contents.  According to 2.10.7a, continuation letters are NOT used in the Contents.

    Question 2: These types of materials would only be placed in volume 1.  The exceptions to what would be included in volumes other than volume 1 are things like pronunciation keys and cast of characters in a play that is more than one volume.



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