Bible verse

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    In what format should a Bible verse be brailed?  I would assume in Pros or poetry?

    The following is the verse used in a book that I'm translating as a stand alone between the contents page and the Preface.
    <p style="text-align: center;">But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,</p>
    <p style="text-align: center;">thou shalt not eat of it:</p>
    <p style="text-align: center;">for in the day that thou eatest therof thou shalt surely die.</p>
    <p style="text-align: center;">Genesis 2:17</p>
    Or should it be brailed in the standard 1-3 format? or something different that I'm not seeing?


    I think the Bible as a whole is a mix of prose and poetry.  It depends a bit on how much you are doing, if the verse numbers are to be included, what it looks like in your print, etc.  If it is just the one verse you are showing (which appears to have been centered in print), I would say you should do it as a paragraph and put the verse reference as an attribution.



    Thanks Cindi,

    Yes, it is the only verse used in the whole book standing alone on a page by itself after the contents page. I agree with you that it should be in paragraph format. Not sure about the location though as I thought attributions came before the contents page. Which means I would have to move the verse itself to a different location other then what is displayed in print. And since the author does have a contribution page would the verse be on the same page with the attribution? I hope I'm not confusing the matter but, I am confused...sorry


    According to 9.4 of BF, this type of attribution is blocked in the fifth cell to the right of the beginning of the previous line - so if you are doing a paragraph, the attribution would be blocked in cell 5.


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