Bilingual Reference Material & heading

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Bilingual Reference Material & heading

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Tung.
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  • #29699

    Good morning, Cindi

    I am transcribing a vocabulary section of a Spanish book. I followed the rule in Braille Format 21.9.2.

    Please refer to the attachment for my questions:

    1. Did I interpreted the rule correctly in brailling the first part (Bottom of print page 31 as far as the margin and the use of colon to separate entries?
    2. Then the heading: I made the Adjectivos to be a cell 5 heading. (line 17), but the main entry on the braille page is now at cell 8. (line 18). My question is: Do I have to adjust the cell 5 heading from cell8 or it needs to be at cell 5?

    Thank you very much


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    It would help to know exactly what you are transcribing?  Is this an alphabetic reference (since you are using the rules for alphabetic references)?  If so, you need guide words.

    You did handle the margins correctly for page 31.  And adding a colon to separate the two languages is also correct.

    Does the heading Adjetivos begin a new section?  It might be wise to start it on a new braille page (each alphabetic reference begins on a new braille page).  But to answer your question, I do not believe you need to adjust the heading over based on the articles.  You do have words that start at the margin...I might suggest that you post that question on the Foreign Language forum.




    Thank you very much


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