Blank line after TN in Front Matter?

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Blank line after TN in Front Matter?

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  • #39885
    Kim Lloyd

    In Section 2 Transcriber-Generated Pages and Front Matter, it is unclear if a blank line is required before the first indented paragraph under [TN]The following material is from the back cover of the book.[TN]

    On one hand, I feel a blank line is needed before the "first" paragraph of text. However, I also feel a blank line may not be required after the TN unless it’s a blocked paragraph. Section 2.9.1 c. Dedications and Acknowledgements states "The text begins on line 1, or line 3 if there is a running head." But, is that because in print the dedication is often displayed (or at least set apart) as its own content.

    Thoughts? Thank you in advance!


    Sorry for the delay in responding. Our site is having notification issues.

    There is no requirement for a blank line following a transcribers note. There is no requirement for a blank line preceding an indented paragraph. If the material on the back cover was a list or a blocked paragraph then yes...but in this case no blank line is required.


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