Blank lines on a cartoon within a novel

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  • #37872
    Melissa Caldwell

    I am working on a novel that has multi-frame cartoons within it. I know that cartoons require a blank line before and after. My question is where does the cartoon start? Does the blank line go before cartoon or before Frame 1? The only example shows a blank line before Frame 1 but the cartoon is starting on line 1 so I am not sure where to put the blank line.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by Chris Clemens.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by Chris Clemens.

    The blank line goes before the Cartoon information. You will also need a blank line before the first frame number.


    Melissa Caldwell

    Thank you! That is the way I did it. It's nice to know I did it correctly. 🙂


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