book written in verse

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  • #38164
    Robin King

    Out of the Dust is written in verse. I am transcribing a section for that book on an assessment. Do I format this excerpt using the formats for poetry and verse?

    "He says, 'I wasn't always sure

    about the wheat,

    about the land,

    about life in the Panhandle.


    While transcribing "sure" goes to the next line. Since it is blocked, I begin on cell 5. My runover would be cell 7.

    The next line "about the wheat," new line starting at cell 5.

    Just wanted some clarification.




    I am not sure what you are asking exactly. Is this displayed? Are there line numbers? I can't see why the first line would need a runover - even if you begin it in cell 5.  If it's displayed to paragraph material, it would begin in cell 3...with a blank line before. If using poetry, it would then be 3-5...if I'm missing the reason it should start in cell 5, and you are sure that is where it should start, then the margins would be 5-7. If it's displayed to exercise material (maybe it's an excerpt?) that would explain the cell 5 🙂 and then yes, you would use 5-7 margins (but I still don't know why the first line would need a runover).  Remember that displayed needs a blank line before and after.



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