Braille Formats – Blank Lines at the top of Braille pages in double-spaced books

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Braille Formats – Blank Lines at the top of Braille pages in double-spaced books

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  • #42624
    Mary Mosley

    In double-spaced books, when no running head is used, is line 1 left blank when text that requires a blank line falls on lines 24 or 25 of the previous Braille page? (This would be the norm in regular single-spaced books.)

    If so, would lines 1 and 2 both be blank when text requiring two blank lines falls at the end of the previous page or text, such as a centered heading, falls at the top of the next page?

    When transcribing double-spaced books we generally refer to guideline 6 in the BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille because it provides more information than BF 1.7.2.


    There are not a whole lot of guidelines regarding double-spaced braille. Using the Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials is exactly right. Decide how you will interpret those rules and then be consistent.

    My opinion (which is just that - MY opinion) is that one blank line at the top of a braille page is enough to set the material apart from what came before - which is the intent of the blank lines.


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