Bullets in matching exercise

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Bullets in matching exercise

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  • #37205
    Taylor Goldhardt

    I have an exercise where the directions are numbered, and the matching columns have bullets on the "inside". The question is in 1-5 due to the previous question, so I'm putting the first (left) column in cell 3. The entries are short, so I can fit everything across the line as in print.

    My question is whether or not I should include the print bullets. This shows up fairly often in matching exercises, but it isn't addressed in BF that I can find. Here's what I have right now:

    ,B5'S ,W>EH\SE _4        _4 @S#HJJ
    ,C>L'S ,COMPUT]S _4      _4 @S#IJJ
    ,DEIDRA'S ,TE*NOLOGY _4  _4 @S#A1JJJ
    ,ELL5'S ,ELECTRONICS _4  _4 @S#A1JEJ

    Any suggestions or feedback?


    Sorry - I thought this was an extension of an earlier question.

    In this case I would ignore the bullets - they are print affectations used for the print reader to draw a line from one point to another to match them up.


    Taylor Goldhardt

    Not a problem - I made the same mistake in reverse on the other thread! Thank you.

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