Clarinet Fingerings

Home Forums Music Braille Clarinet Fingerings

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  • #39287
    Robert Dietrich

    Hello Kathleen:

    I am transcribing a beginning clarinet book. The book shows fingerings (see attachment) as well as baton motions for a conductor (see attachment). Both of which seem impractical in braille. Should they be described in a TN (if so, what would you suggest?), or should they just be ignored altogether?



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    Good morning, Robert!

    Please don't omit these! These are very important for the musician and definitely need to be included.

    If you will email me, I can send you a clarinet fingering chart (I too am currently working on a clarinet method book).

    And this is how I describe the conducting pattern for 4/4 (of course, in a transcriber's note):

    Begin with the arm extended in front of the body at shoulder height. On beat 1, arm comes straight down. On beat 2, arm crosses the body to the left. On beat 3, arm crosses back to the right. On beat 4, arm returns to starting position.

    Adjust the wording for 3/4 and cut time when those show up.


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