Colon followed by equal sign

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  • #40820
    Connie Stone

    The symbol := means "is defined as equal to" but unsure of the correct spacing for the symbols in braille. I have included the surrounding text and several samples of spacing. The first sample is the entire equation (please let me know if there is a discrepancy in the division) followed by samples of the area in question.

    Even wondered about the dot 5 between to show they are side by side.

    Thank you,



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    Lindy Walton

    Hi Connie.

    Yes, I have seen this symbol before and have wondered how to handle it. It will take me some time to go through my notes. I'll get back to you soon.


    Connie Stone

    Thank you Lindy.

    Lindy Walton

    Here are my thoughts on the symbol :=

    Because the symbol has been defined to mean "is defined as equal to" it is one sign so should not be broken up.

    If the expression fit on one line, there would be no space before the colon. A punctuation indicator would precede it. So it will be a 4-cell symbol, with a space following the equals sign. (456, 25, 46, 13, space)

    This expression does not fit on one line. Our division rules say to divided before a comparison sign on the baseline of writing. I feel that the first runover line can begin with the punctuation indicator. This is an unusual formation so you should identify the symbol in a transcriber's note. Something like this: "The symbol ___ means "is defined as equal to". It is printed as a colon immediately followed by an equals sign."

    I see no discrepancy in the division sites you have chosen. I am tempted, however, to make an exception to "displayed" format here and start the expression in cell 1, after a blank line. This will allow you to keep the "C" portions together on one line. This is breaking a format rule, but there are times when it benefits the reader to do so.

    I think you need to insert a space after the word "Gain" as I believe it is a function name.

    See the attached brf file for my suggested transcription of this long expression.

    I invite anyone to chime in if my solution is problematic.

    - Lindy

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    Connie Stone

    Thank you Lindy, I agree with the "Gain" and moving to cell 1 so that there is less divisions.

    There are some times when it will fit on one line, such as


    So to clarify, in this equation, there would only be one space following the equal sign?


    Lindy Walton

    Yes, that is correct. Do not space before the colon when it appears on the same line as the y, in this case.

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