Combined page numbers

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  • #38123

    One more question related to vocal music.  I'm doing a piece for which the cover is page 1, and then page 2 is blank.  In literary braille I would have the first braille page be print 1-3, but here my first braille page contains line-by-line music from print pages 3-6.  It feels weird to have unaccounted-for print pages in line-by-line.  Would you recommend doing it this way anyway because the implication is clear, or should I start with print page 3 (and then, should my title page list the print pages as 1-x or 3-x)?


    This happens a lot with vocal music. I usually just start the pagination with page 3 and don't worry about the implied pages 1 and 2.

    Print pages can then be listed as 3-x.

    I don't think that will cause any confusion.

    Hope that helps!


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