combining alternate table formats

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science combining alternate table formats

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  • #40780

    Is is permissible to vertically divide a wide table into # sections and then take those sections and format in stairstep?  Never seen this before and can't find anything that tells me it is against guidelines.  Thanks

    Lindy Walton

    Hmm. This is really a Braille Formats question. Can you repost it there? It would be helpful if you attach a pdf scan of the table in question.



    I'll go ahead and answer here (and there if you have re-posted it).

    I think you have to do what you have to do to make the table understood. I applaud you for accurately saying "I want to apply all the rules I can" while still dealing with the material you have. BF can't address every situation and the intent is to ensure we are all doing our best to "apply all the rules we can". Be sure to write a careful transcriber's note to explain how you are changing the print format. I suggest having someone else read it over and see if it makes sense to them.


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