complicated and confusing table

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    Cheri A. Wales

    Hello.  Help please.  I was asked to format this table for an AP Physics class [please see attachment].  I've been going through Tables and Lists in Braille Formats 2016 but I'm still really confused. Any suggestions about how to braille this table?  I was trying to do it as a nested list but I'm not sure I'm starting the different rows in the correct cells. The diagrams and math aren't a problem, I just don't know how to format it all. Would be doing something like this be right?

    Vector Orientation [cell 1]

    Vectors are parallel [cell 5]

    calculational strategy used [cell 3]

    Add or subtract the magnitudes... [formatted 5-7?]

    Should I add a TN about sub-columns starting partway down then start the sub-columns?

    Thank you,

    Cheri W

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    I'm really sorry that I never responded to this! I did not see it and did not get notified of a post. I'm sure you've moved on past this but I'll still say that I think I would do it as a list and repeat headings as necessary.

    Centered table heading

    Vector Orientation at the margin

    Vectors are Parallel in cell 3

    Calculational Strategy... in cell 1

    Add or subtract... in cell 3

    Vector Orientation (repeated) in cell 1

    Vectors are perpendicular in cell 3 with the diagram following

    Calculational Strategy ... repeated in cell 1

    Use ... in cell 3

    Use (new paragraph) ... in cell 3

    You could combine the headings "Adding two vectors" and "Limited usefulness" into one heading.

    You would for sure need a TN to explain that you are using a list format for the table and that headings are repeated as necessary.

    This is, for sure, super complicated!



    Cheri A. Wales

    Thanks!  I had to give it to the student to study for the AP test, but I'm adding your answer to my reference binder for future use because that probably won't be the last table I see like that in high school science or math.  I appreciate your help.

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