"Con" contraction

Home Forums Unified English Braille Literary "Con" contraction

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    I have a question regarding to word "coniferous." Per the old EBAE rules, the "con" contraction was NOT used in the word "coniferous." When we got the NLS-UEB version of the Instruction Manual, this was one of the questions I asked with regard to UEB. With the bridging of prefixes, and a disregard as to pronunciation, I was told the con contraction WAS used in the word "coniferous" and it was shown as contracted in the teacher key. I now have a distance-learning student on lesson 7 and in looking at the updated teacher key, it shows the word brailled without the con contracted. Can you tell me which way is correct? Rule?



    According to 10.6.1 the 'con' contraction is only used when the letters it represents form the first syllable of a word.  According to dictionary.com the word 'coniferous' is split co-ni-fer-ous which would mean that 'con' does NOT form the first syllable of the word.





    Thanks Cindi. That is what I thought, but was previously told that pronunciation did not matter. UGH. Glad someone finally figured it out. I was curious if there was another rule I was overlooking. 🙂

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