Defining transcriber-defined typeform on an SSP

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Defining transcriber-defined typeform on an SSP

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  • #37759
    Susan Farnsworth

    Hello, how is a transcriber-defined typeform defined properly on an SSP? We have crossed out words and single letters in a literary book for a third grade reading level. After the dot locator for mention, the three-cell transcriber-defined typeform for a word is brailled, then is this a sufficient description (minus the quotes)? "Crossed–out word indicator"

    Is anything else needed or required?

    Thank you.


    Your description of the symbol is perfect! Simple, yet concise. Be sure to use the crossed-out symbol indicator for single letters that are crossed out (and that symbol should also be on the SS page).


    Susan Farnsworth

    Yes, we got the symbol included in the SSP, too. Thanks for the quick response, Cindi!

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