Distribution of blank lines on Title Page

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  • #35887
    Connie Stone

    How do you distribute blank lines on the Title Page when there are less than 4 blank lines available? EBAE literary told us to start at the bottom segment and work up. I tend to see examples starting with the extra blank lines at the top (Braille Formats, page 2-51) but cannot find a rule on how to distribute between segments when less than 4 or more than 4 lines are available.


    Sorry for the delay in answering - I had no internet for the weekend!

    There is no rule that says where the blank lines have to go - just that they are between segments and not within them.  I always add blank lines from the top down and take them out from the bottom up...but again, there is no rule about it.  It also seems that most others I know do the same.


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