Dividing Lists Between Pages

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Dividing Lists Between Pages

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  • #29110

    BF 2016 states "A list may be divided between braille pages, if necessary" (8.3.5.a). I'm wondering what precisely is meant by "if necessary" e.g., is a list only to be divided between braille pages if it won't fit on a single braille page? (as 7.3.1 indicates for boxes: "...Whenever possible, keep boxed material on a single braille page...") Or is the ambiguity of "if necessary" intended to leave it up to the transcriber's discretion?

    Thank you.


    We have clarified the wording...you may split a list between braille pages...but you must have at least two items from the list on a braille page (8.3.5) if the list starts at the bottom of a braille page.


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