Division of lines of a Verse Play

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Division of lines of a Verse Play

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  • #39081
    Hollie Knight

    The following sample is of a verse play. Of course Braille Formats 14.6.1 should be followed, but it doesn't mention whether or not a line of dialogue should be split between braille pages. Is it implied that 13.3.1b should be followed here since there is nothing in the guidelines under section 14.6.1 that says it shouldn't. Thanks for any guidance you could give.

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    John Romeo
    I would advise to NOT divide a line of a play written in verse between braille pages because verse plays are written in a rhythm when spoken aloud. I feel dividing between lines would affect the rhythm of the author's intent. That is merely a suggestion because the code does not succinctly address the issue. To be absolutely clear, as a transcriber, I might add on the transcribers note page:
    "Lines of the play written in verse are not divided between braille pages."
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