Double font attribute

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Double font attribute

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  • #32912

    Hello Cindi,

    In the Braille Formats study book, bold and italics are retained in the Braille Bit exercise on page 34. BANA 5.1.5 states "It is not always necessary to indicate a double font attribute such as bold italics ... and that the primary attribute is often sufficient. The transcriber needs to decide if the double attribute is necessary while structuring the braille edition."

    We are working on a US history textbook that uses bold italics throughout the book. Is it permitted to use only the bold as the primary attribute?

    It gets a little confusing since we are now instructed to follow print.

    Thank you for your advice.



    The issue here is: Are there other bold words and are there other italic words?  If there are, then the bold italics means something different and both attributes should be retained.  If there are no other bold words, then keeping only the bold on the bold italic words is fine.


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