End of Volume Statement, BF 1.6.5 b&g

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  • #38867

    Dear Expert,

    When a multi-volume transcription consists of supplemental volumes, does the end-of-volume statement “The End” go in the final volume or the final supplemental volume?

    For example, if a transcription consists of 4 volumes and 2 supplements, would “The End” be placed at the end of volume 4 or the end of supplement 2?

    Thank You.


    BF does not directly address this (it is in the plan to do so at some point).

    General consensus is that "The End" goes at the end of the print book material not at the end of the last volume of braille supplied. So in your case, "The End" would go at the end of Supplement 2.

    I do know of agencies that do this differently and place "The End" at the last volume of braille supplied to the reader - so if the front and back matter are done first, "The End" would go at the end of the last "regular" volume...but again, BF doesn't address it.


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