Flash cards within textbook

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Flash cards within textbook

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  • #38626
    Taylor Goldhardt

    I have a text book that has flash cards/ vocabulary cards within the book. The print book is consumable, so the print student would cut these out and use them. Obviously, that doesn't work the same way in braille. My preference would be to combine the two print pages, and to follow BF 21.6.5 Glossaries with Samples (using the front of the flash card as the entry word and the back of the flash card as the definition). I've attached a copy of the print in question, along with a sample from the braille. Do you have any suggestions for adjustments? Is there a better rule to follow? Thanks!

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    Your choice to do them as combined pages is good. I like the cell 5 headings for the "entry word". I might suggest using a cell 7 heading for Example (and removing the bold). That then leaves the examples set apart a bit which makes it easier to tell what is example and what is definition. I, personally, would draw the arrows rather than using the TN, but there is no rule against what you did.


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