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  • #32277

    When our braille transcription students completed the course and submitted their manuscripts they lost points for brailling the End-of-Volume info and the title page ISBN formats as presented in the new Format rules.  The description in the format rules conflicts with the manual rules.  Each student inserted an explanation that they brailled these sections as per the new formats.  They were told they had to follow the manual ... but those lessons have not been upgraded to match the new formats!

    Which takes precedence ... Formatting book or manual?

    Also - points off for not placing ISBN number on line with Transcription of  is not possible if the ISBN is 13 digits.  I think they went by the print number.  When the number indicators are added in UEB it does not fit on the line.  2 points were subtracted as an error.  Even the 2 title examples that are copies of the older manuals were misleading, as they only included 10-digit numbers.

    We would like to have input from you.  Thank-you!



    I think this should be addressed with NFB or NLS as they are the administrators of the test.  When you are doing a test (regardless of the agency it is for) you must follow the testing agencies rules/policies.  Personally, I do think that following the 2016 Formats rules should be allowed...but NBA is not the testing agency.  My suggestion is to submit a formal protest and see if that gets you any answers/clarification.

    I am sorry for this confusion.



    I think this should be addressed with NFB or NLS as they are the administrators of the test.  When you are doing a test (regardless of the agency it is for) you must follow the testing agencies rules/policies.  Personally, I do think that following the 2016 Formats rules should be allowed...but NBA is not the testing agency.  My suggestion is to submit a formal protest and see if that gets you any answers/clarification.

    I am sorry for this confusion.


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