Formatting From Page Edge or Set Margin?

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Formatting From Page Edge or Set Margin?

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  • #32378
    Celia Martinez

    This seems like a silly question and I think the answer will be the set margin but I've searched for an answer in my reference material and have found no mention of my query. My question is: when formatting involves indenting do we count the number of cells we indent starting from the page edge or from the point where we have set our page margin?


    No questions are silly!  You would start from the page margin...cell 1 of your 40 cell line.


    Celia Martinez

    Thank you for answering my question Cindi. I apologize for needing further clarification but by page margin do you mean that, say in Duxbury for my 11 x 11.5 page, I have my page parameters set for a 2 braille cell margin, then 40 cell characters per line and lastly 25 lines per page. The 2 braille cell margin would not be considered as part of my 40 cell characters per line would it? If not then, for instance, when I am indenting to place exercise directions in the fifth cell, I will be counting 4 cells over before beginning the directions and not just 2 cells because there are already two cells already in use as the margin space. I am guessing that I would not be taking those 2 cells making up the margin space into account when I am indenting for my directions. Am I understanding correctly?


    You are correct that the 2 cells you are leaving on the left side of the paper do not count for indentions.  Your program should automatically account for's not something you need to think about or consider.  The margin you want to start in for an indented paragraph is cell 3.


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