Glossary with samples and subentries

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    Christina Conroy

    Hi there! I am working on a glossary that has samples, and also subentries. I know that the main entry word (such as "MOOD" in the attached file), would be a cell-5 heading. I would then do the definition in either 1-1 or 3-1 (still a bit undecided here). Then the samples would be in 3-5, with a blank line before and after the group of them.

    For the subentries, (such as "Conditional mood" in the attached file), I can see two ways to think about it:

    1. Make them cell 7 headings and then the same margins as for the main entry.
    2. Move everything over 2 cells to the right, and so make the subentry word a cell 7 heading, the definition 3-3 or 5-3, depending on what I decide on the main entry, then the samples in 5-7. This would follow the rule of moving subentries for glossary items over 2 cells (Formats 21.2.1b).

    There is just nothing in the Formats that I can find that shows an example of this. So I'm not sure which of those two is best, or whether there is another way I'm not thinking of that better follows Formats.

    Thanks so much!

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    The main entry words (such as MOOD) are cell 5 headings (as you said).

    The definitions are 1-1 or 3-1 (as you said - just pick one and be consistent [I would do 1-1 but either is fine]).

    The examples are displayed blank line before/after and margins of 3-5 (see the rules for displayed sentences when there are more than 1).

    When you get to the GENDER entry where there are "headings" my suggestion would be cell 7 headings for Masculine and Feminine with each example then starting in 3 with runovers in cell 5 (again using the displayed sentences rule in 9.2.2e).


    Christina Conroy

    Thanks Cindi, but this doesn't quite answer my question. I'm wondering what to do with "Conditional Mood", for example.



    Oh! Of course!  For that, I'm going to poll some other experts...hang tight 🙂



    After polling the committee, here is a suggestion: Make Conditional Mood (and other items like that) paragraph headings...use some kind of typeform indicator to make the "heading" stand out (since there is bold within the displayed phrases, use something different - I can't tell if they are colored in print but a transcriber-defined typeform would work). If you choose to do blocked paragraphs, a blank line would be required preceding it - since the entry word is a cell 5 heading, this would still be "under" the entry...and it leaves less confusion between that and the displayed material.

    Hope this helps!  I'd love a .pdf of this page to use for possible workshops in the future - this is certainly a challenge!  Let me know how you decide to precede.



    Christina Conroy

    Thanks so much Cindi! I will definitely send you a .pdf of the page. Happy to provide you another crazy example of formatting fun! 🙂 I'll let you if that doesn't work out as well and send you the .b2k file of what I do do, if I don't do this! 🙂


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