I am attaching a .pdf of the page that I have a question on. As you will see, the first line on the page is:
The linear speed v at which .....
My question:
Is the "v" a greek letter nu or is it just an english letter "v" shown in italics?
As you can see on the remainder of the page, Pi, Theta, Omega, etc. are used regularly and Omega, for example
also looks somewhat like an english letter "w" shown in italics. However, within the context of the book, it actually stated
in parentheses that the "w" stood for Omega.
At the bottom of the page there is a displayed v = s/t. The only reason I am not questioning the "s" and "t" is
because there is nothing that looks like them in Greek.
Thanks for any help anyone can give me. 🙂
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