Thank you Julie for the question!
The Supplement is very useful! It demonstrates TGs in several common media, including Tiger embossed, microcapsule, and collage masters that are thermoformed. The purpose of the TG Supplement is to show the application of the rules and how those rules can be expressed differently using several common production methods.
The Supplement has been recently updated to include examples showing TGs with both <i>UEB Technical</i> and <i>Nemeth in a UEB Context</i>. This revised Supplement must go through the BANA (Braille Authority of North America) Review Process and then to the BANA Board for final approval. When that is accomplished, a designated production agency will make copies and it will be distributed through established channels.
At present, we have no timeline that forecasts when the revised and updated Supplement will become available. However, announcements of availability will be widely distributed when the time comes.